Is Morrissey having a giraffe? Or is he perhaps lounging somewhere in Stuttgart draped in a black cape laughing his head off like Count from Sesame Street or am I the only blogger on the planet that genuinely likes his new book ‘List of the Lost’? I don’t think so! These reviews are harsh, almost vindictive. Surely such venomous wrath should be reserved for specimens the likes of the Karcrashians. Christ on a bike, it’s unreal! Is it disdain I wonder, for the words themselves that dwell between the FSC certified paper that stir such angst in people?  What have we become? A race of cripples to pangs of rage and jealousy? Can we no longer write about the things we love?  Is it the fact that a gentle solitary soul with no mind to cause harm to a living thing on earth could actually be cursed with not one, but two outrageous talents that is equalled by few? It can’t be the paltry sum for which some may have parted with for the drama of fiction as they would most probably squander the same if not MORE on a snivelling git like Ronald McDonald or Kentucky Fried Hell basket of death given half a chance. The mind boggles. More questions than answers. Maybe it’s this demented mind that is disillusioned from the heat of the midday sun or the slurp of one too many sangria under the Ibiza sky that thinks this book is actually quite good if not, dare I say a work of art. But who knows and does anyone care? Answers on a post to the above please.. This in not a book review of any description just a hangover on human behaviour, for humans  have fascinated us for decades and it would surely be a dull dark dreary world if we were all the same. God forbid! As usual, the moral rights of the author has been sadly averted in this case so I find I have no choice but to balance the books. With thanks and praise to Whores In Retirement as always.  mrdjdwyer, somewhere in Ibiza town, celebrating great art from a great artist, on his birthday 10/10/2015, mine not his.



This Fender Strat is autographed by Ronnie Wood of the Rolling Stones. Shot in the window of an art gallery in London on my iphone. Its priced around 2 grand if I remember correctly. Not sure I would call it art though. As well as a guitarist, Ronnie is a spectacular painter specialising in portraits and Horses. If you have an interest in art you should check out his work online.
I once met him in Dublin as he was out shopping with his then wife Jo, as a fan it was a great experience. He is so down to earth, not what you might expect.